Mysteries & Secrets



Dear Friends!

We've got a new and Incredible SCOOP from Sierra Work labs!!!!!

Taste the steel of my sword, you ugly fire-eater!

Sierra On-Line, have sold to a Japanese Cartoon's factory called:
NIKORU, the rights of Quest for Glory, to make
an Animated Cartoon of
Dragon Fire (the movie Cartoon)....

This is TOP SECRET, and with the help of Mr.Pizza's Secret Agent, we got a little picture of the Title....

We are the First in the world to show you this...

Sure it's a good Movie-Cartoon!



This is a old secret about Qfg I Remake…

Which style do you prefer, hero?



In the game, the Barber shop's always closed!!

But Mr.Pizza found a way to open it!

You only have to end the game, and wait for 50 days!

Go to the town entrance , talk to Otto and go to the Door of the Barber shop…..!

Now Otto will tell you the story of the shop and will open it for you !

You are free to cut you hair with the help of Otto, the new Barber of Spielburg!

And remember to use the "Hero's Cut hair styling" if you want to live!

Otto it's just a Novice, after all….


Some of the artwork in this web page are courtesy of Sierra On-Line Inc. All rights reserved